
木章溯源 (一)The Origins Of The Wood Badge

The Scout Information Centre 英國童軍總會資訊中心
Item Code FS145001 Feb/08 Edition no 檔案編號0845 300 1818

When Gilwell Park was purchased for the Scout Movement in 1919 and formal Leader Training introduced, Baden-Powell felt that 'Scout Officers' (as they were then called) who completed a training course, should receive some form of recognition.
1919年英國為童軍運動購置了極偉園營地,以及介紹正式的童軍服務員訓練。 童軍運動創始人貝登堡爵士認為,應頒授某種徽章給完成訓練的童軍服務員,而在當時被稱為「童軍軍官Scout Offices」的人士。

Originally he envisaged that those who passed through Gilwell should wear anornamental tassel on their Scout hats but instead the alternative of two small beads attached to lacing on the hat or to a coat button-hole was instituted and designated the Wood Badge. Very soon the wearing of beads on the hat was discontinued and instead they were strung on a leather thong or bootlace around the neck, a tradition that continues to this day.

The first Wood Badges were made from beads taken from a necklace that had belonged to a Zulu chief named Dinizulu, which B-P had found during his time in the Zululand in 1888.
第一條木章的木珠,是取自原屬於祖魯族酋長(Zulu chief)名叫「迪尼祖魯Dinizulu」的項鍊。此項鍊是1888年貝登堡爵士在非洲祖魯蘭省(Zululand)所發現。

On state occasions, Dinizulu would wear a necklace 12 feet long, containing, approximately 1,000 beads made from South African Acacia yellow wood. This wood has a soft central pith, which makes it easy for a rawhide lace to be threaded through from end to end and this is how the 1,000 beads were arranged. The beads themselves in size from tiny emblems to others 4 inches in length. The necklace was considered sacred, being the badge conferred on royalty and outstanding warriors.

When B-P was looking for some token to award to people who went through the Gilwell training course he remembered the Dinizulu necklace and the leather thong given to him by an elderly African at Mafeking. He took two of the smaller beads, drilled them through the centre, threaded them onto the thong and called it the Wood Badge.

The first sets of beads issued were all from the original necklace but the supply soon ran short. So one exercise on the early courses was to be given one original Acacia bead and be told to carve the other from hornbeam or beech. Eventually beech wood beads became the norm and for many years were made by Gilwell staff in their spare time.

Again in the early days Wood Badge participants received one bead on taking the practical course at Gilwell and received a second bead on completing the part (answers to questions) and a certain length of inservice training. These sketches by B-P show how the Wood Badge design evolved. Worn in the button-hole of coat Worn on the brim of Scout hat page 2 of 5
Worn around neck

B-P had got the idea for wearing beads on the hat during the First World War after seeing officers of the U.S. Expeditionary Force wearing broad brimmed B.P. Stetson hats (not named after Baden-Powell but a Stetson trade name: 'Boss of the Plains') with acorns attached to the two ends of a thong that kept the hat from blowing off the head in a strong wind. He thought originally of having two beads attached in the same way on the Scout hat but changed his mind when it was brought to his attention that Scout Leaders only wore their hats outdoors, so instead he decided that they should be worn on the thong around the neck.
貝登堡爵士在第一次世界大戰期間,看到美國遠征軍戴的「B.P.斯泰森平邊軍帽 B.P. Stetson hats」(此B.P. 不是貝登堡的Baden-Powell,而是斯泰森公司名叫的’草原老闆'Boss of the Plains’的B.P.),會在兩條帽繩尖端,綁著兩顆橡樹果實,以保持帽子不被強風吹走。貝登堡爵士原始構想是仿照此方式在童軍平邊帽帽繩上綁木珠。但是後來改變主意,因為貝登堡爵士注意到童軍服務員們只有在戶外活動時,才會戴童軍平邊帽。因此他決定童軍服務員們佩帶木章於脖子上的方式來代替。

Certain variations soon came about. Two bead necklaces were worn by Scouters, three beads by Assistant Leader Trainers (formerly called Assistant Camp Chiefs) and four by Leader Trainers (formerly called Deputy Camp Chiefs). With a revision of the pattern of Trainer Training in recent years the practice of awarding three and four bead necklaces has ceased.
不久之後,演變為結訓的童軍服務員佩帶兩顆木章,助理訓練員(以前稱為國際極偉營助理分營主任Assistant Camp Chiefs)佩帶三顆木章,訓練員(以前稱為國際極偉營分營主任Deputy Camp Chiefs))佩帶四顆木章。最近幾年﹝1999年﹞,配合調整訓練組員的訓練方式,(英國)已經停止(ceased)實施頒授三顆和四顆木章。

For a brief period of time Wolf Cub Leaders (Cub Scout Leaders) had their own system. From 1922 until 1925, Wolf Cub Leaders were awarded a Wolf’s Fang or an Akela Badge, comprising a single fang on a leather thong. Wolf Cub Leader Trainers, known also as Akela Leaders, wore two fangs. These fangs were bone tooth fangs or wooden replicas and very few of them survive today.
1922年到1925年短暫的期間,幼狼童軍服務員Wolf Cub Leaders(幼童軍服務員Cub Scout Leaders)有自己一套的徽章制度。幼狼童軍服務員們被頒授包括一條皮繩綁張一棵獸牙的「狼牙a Wolf’s Fang」,或是稱為「阿克拉章an Akela Badge」。
幼狼童軍訓練組員(Wolf Cub Leader Trainers)同時稱為「阿克拉領袖Akela Leaders」佩帶兩顆阿克拉狼牙章。這些狼牙是由獸骨牙或是木頭仿製,只有非常少數被保存至今。

An Akela Badge The use of the Akela Badge was short-lived for on 13th November 1925 the Committee of the Council decided that there should only be one type of badge for Leader Training, the Wood Badge but that it should be worn '... with a distinctive mark...' to denote the section of the Movement with which the Leader was working. This mark took the form of a small coloured abacus-type bead, placed immediately above the knot on the leather bootlace The beads were yellow for Cubs, green for Scouts and red for Rovers but this did not last long and were phased out by a decision of the Committee of the Council on 14th October 1927. Again few of these beads survive today.

When foreign countries established Wood Badge training after the pattern set by Gilwell, the person in charge of originating the course was designated a Gilwell Deputy Camp Chief, representing Gilwell Park in his own country. According to a tradition supposedly established by Baden-Powell, that person could wear five beads. Most of these fifth beads were presented in the 1920s and 1930s but what happened to them and who wore them is not known.
各國依據極偉營方式,建立了木章訓練制度之後,各國負責木章訓練的人,被指派為「國際極偉營分營主任 Gilwell Deputy Camp Chief」在其國家代表極偉營。聽說由貝登堡爵士所建立的傳統,「國際極偉營分營主任」可以佩帶五顆木章,而大部份的五顆木章是在1920年代和1930年代所頒授。可是無法得知如何頒發,以及是誰佩帶了五顆木章。

Baden-Powell himself wore six beads. But B-P did also award a set of six beads to Sir Percy Everett. Sir Percy had been a friend of B-P since the original camp on Brownsea Island in 1907 and he became the Commissioner for Training and eventually the Deputy Chief Scout. B-P wish to acknowledge the tremendous debt that he owed to Sir Percy and so presented him with a six bead necklace. In 1949 Sir Percy presented his six bead necklace back to Gilwell to be worn as the badge of office of the Camp Chief, i.e. the person on the Gilwell staff responsible for Leader Training. John Thurman, then the Camp Chief, wore the necklace until his retirement in 1969 when the necklace passed to Bryan Dodgson, the Director of Leader Training. Following his retirement in 1983 and a re-organisation of staff titles and responsibilities, the six bead necklace is was worn by Derek Twine, then the Executive
Commissioner (Programme and Training). Today after further changes in titles it is worn by Stephen Peck, Director of Programme and Development.
貝登堡爵士本人佩帶六顆木章,同時也頒授六顆木章給柏西‧艾威特爵士(Sir Percy Everett)。柏西爵士從1907年一起和貝登堡爵士在英國白浪海島舉辦世界第一次露營就成為好朋友了。柏西爵士擔任英國童軍總會訓練主任,後來還擔任英國童軍總會副理事長。貝登堡爵士為答謝柏西爵士鼎力協助推廣童軍運動的恩情,所以頒授六顆木章給柏西爵士。1949年柏西爵士將他的六顆木章轉贈給英國極偉營,以供擔任負責服務員訓練的極偉營營主任的人士,在其任期時佩服。約翰‧儲曼(John Thurma)極偉營營主任(the Camp Chief)佩帶此六顆木章,直到1969年退休為止。此六顆木章再傳遞給繼任的服務員訓練營主任(Director of Leader Training)布萊恩‧道森(Bryan Dodgson)先生。布萊恩先生於1983年退休。再傳遞給改變職稱和職務的活動和訓練主任(the Executive Commissioner- Programme and Training)迪克‧崔尼先生(Derek Twine)。今日佩帶此六顆木章的是,再改變職稱為活動和發展主任(Director of Programme and Development.)的史帝芬‧派克先生(Stephen Peck)。

The conferring of wooden beads as a sign of recognition is an old Zulu tradition. We read of them first in the story of Charles Rawden Maclean, also known as John Ross, who was shipwrecked off the Zululand coast in 1825 He was one of the first white people to meet the great Zulu king Shaka.。 In his description of the Festival of the First Fruits he wrote: 'They now commence omamenting and decorating their persons with beads and brass ornamen The most curious part of these decorations consisted of several rows of small pieces of wood ... strung together and made into necklaces and bracelets...
我們是閱讀「查爾斯‧羅登‧麥克萊恩的故事」(the story of Charles Rawden Maclean),而第一次得知頒授木珠,以作為一種標誌,是祖魯族古老的傳統。同時也由約翰‧羅斯(John Ross)先生那裡得知,他在1825年沉船在南非祖魯蘭眚海岸附近。也是遇見「祖魯族沙卡大酋長」(the great Zulu king Shaka) 的作者之一。在其『第一個水果節』書中敘述:最令人好奇的部分,是以小木珠所串成的項鍊和手鐲的裝飾品。

On inquiry we found that the Zulu warriors set great value on these apparently useless trifles, and that they were orders of merit conferred by Shaka.

Each row was the distinguishing mark of some heroic deed and the wearer had received them from Shaka's own hand.' Later when Maclean met the royal party he observed that Dingane, Shaka's half brother, was 'dressed in the same manner as the king but without so large a display of beads.'

There is little doubt that the beads of Dinizulu were identical to those which Maclean saw Shaka wearing and it is quite extraordinary that B-P should have chosen these beads as an award to be conferred by his own hand, without knowing that Shaka had used them in the same way.
還有一些小小的疑問是,貝登堡爵士精挑細選的「迪尼祖魯木珠」,是否就是麥克萊恩先生所看到的「沙卡大酋長」的木珠? 不過令人驚訝的是,貝登堡爵士和「沙卡大酋長」同樣都是以親手的方式來頒授木珠。

Today thousands of Zulu boys are Scouts and in 1987 the Chief Minister Mangosuthu Buthelezi of Kwa Zulu was the guest of honour at a large Scout rally. Chief Buthelezi's mother, Princess Magogo, was a daughter of Dinizulu. At the rally the Chief Scout of South Africa took from his neck a thong on which four Wood Badge beads were strung
and handed it to Chief Buthelezi in a symbolic act of returning the beads to their rightful heir.
今日,許多祖魯族青少年已經都是童軍。1987年,南非夸祖魯蘭省 Kwa Zulu省長曼古蘇斯‧布斯利茲(Mangosuthu Buthelezi) 先生是一場童軍大會的榮譽貴賓。他的母親曼枸枸公主(Princess Magogo) 是迪尼祖魯酋長的女兒。在此童軍大會上,南非童軍總會理事長取下他脖子上的四顆木章,交給布斯利茲先生,此動作象徵將「迪尼祖魯木珠」歸還給原始的繼承人。

