The Origins Of The Wood Badge
檔案編號 Item Code FS145001 Feb/08 Edition no 0845 300 1818
英國童軍總會資訊中心 The Scout Information Centre
1919年,威廉‧波伊西‧麥克勞倫(William de Bois Maclaren)先生是一位蘇格蘭商人,同時也是羅森斯‧頓卡斯特市(Rossneath Dunbartonshire) 的童軍地區理事。 1919年以£7,000英鎊購買了位於英國倫敦艾坪森林邊緣佔地 55英畝地產的極偉園(Gilwell Park),以供作童軍服務員訓練中心,以及童軍露營的營地之用。同時另外付款£3,000英鎊,重新修繕了之前的十四年被遺棄而荒廢的「白宮」(the Wite House) 主建築物。1919年7月26日,極偉園正式開幕,麥克勞倫先生親臨剪彩,彩帶的顏色是童軍色彩(綠色和黃色)。並且由營門口到白宮,一路裝飾懸掛了綠色和黃色彩帶,以表示開幕啟用。貝登堡爵士親自頒贈「銀狼獎章」給麥克勞倫先生,以感謝他為童軍運動,所作的偉大奉獻。
William de Bois Maclaren, a Scottish businessman and the District Commissioner for, Rossneath Dunbartonshire, paid £7,000 in 1919 to buy Gilwell Park, a 55-acre estate on the edge of Epping Forest, London, as a training centre for Scouters and as a camp site for Scouts. He also paid another £3,000 to help put the Wite House into good repair, as the place had been abandoned for the previous 14 years and was virtually derelict. When Gilwell Park was officially opened on 26th July 1919 Mrs Maclaren cut ribbons in Scout colours (green and yellow) that were hung across the doorway to the White House to mark the opening. B-P then presented Maclaren with the Silver Wolf as a sign of the great debt that the Movement owed to him.
我們可能不太認識麥克勞倫先生。事實上,他寫了幾本書,包括『攀登與變化~Climbs and Changes』、『來自歡樂街角的竊笑 Chuckles from a Cheery Corner』、『橡膠樹手冊 The Rubber Tree Book』,以及『世界大戰的詞畫 Word Pictures of War』(第一次世界大戰經驗的詩集)。
Not much more is known about Maclaren, apart from the fact that he wrote several books including Climbs and Changes, Chuckles from a Cheery Corner, The Rubber Tree Book and Word Pictures of War (a book of poetry based on experiences of the First World War). He died in 1921. In his honour the Gilwell staff wore a scarf made of Maclaren tartan. However to reduce the expense a scarf of dove grey cloth (the colour of humility) with a warm red lining (to signify warmth of feeling) was substituted with a patch of Maclaren tartan on the point of the scarf and worn by those passing the Gilwell practical course. In 1924 use of the scarf became restricted to Wood Badge holders only. Today the scarf is more the earth tone colour beige than grey but the reason and the date of this development has not been found.