木章溯源之六 早期的極偉木章訓練
The Origins Of The Wood Badge
檔案編號:0845 300 1818
極偉訓練制度的演變,由貝登堡爵士在1914年到1918年第一次世界大戰期間,於英國童軍總會通報(Headquarters Gazett)上,發表一系列的文章開始
1919年在貝登堡爵士的書名為『童軍團長手冊』(Aids to Scoutmastership) 裡,對於訓練的架構有以下的重點:
The scheme of training used at Gilwell evolved from a series of articles by B-P published in the Headquarters Gazette early in 1914-1918 war.
These were issued in book form in 1919 under the title Aids to Scoutmastership. The framework of training was set down by B-P in the following notes.
Diploma course for the Wood Badge
Open to all warranted officers of the Boy Scouts Associationi.
i. Theoretical:
於『童軍團長手冊』(Aids to Scoutmastership)、『童軍手冊』(Scouting for Boys)、『童軍規則』書中所述,根據童軍總會各年齡的童軍性質,以童軍訓練的目標和方法為題目。
Aims and methods of the Scout Training as defined in Aids to Scoutmastership, Scouting for
Boys and Rules in such subjects as Organization according to ages. Four lines of training: Nature lore for soul, health and sex knowledge; National need and possibilities of the Training.
A course of four studies either by correspondence in the Headquarters Gazette or by weekend
attendances at Gilwell Park as desired by the candidate . This will form a winter course.
ii. Practical:
In four groups of subjects:
1. 童軍團儀式和露營計巧 Troop ceremonies and campcraft
2. 野外活動和斥堠工程 Field work and pioneering
3. 木工和童軍遊戲 Woodcraft and Scout games
4. 追蹤記號和追蹤旅行 Signcraft and pathfinding
The Training will be at Gilwell Park in four weekend courses or eight days in camp as most
convenient to the candidate.
iii. Administration:
The practical administration of his Troop or District as shown by the results of 18 months work.
One bead on button hole - for passing Parts i andii.
One bead on hat string and Diploma for passing all three satisfactorily.
完成擔任訓練營主任Camp Chief 特殊評鑑資格者,頒授兩顆木章佩帶於童軍平邊帽的帽繩,以及訓練營主任證書。
Two beads on hat string and Diploma for passing with special qualifications for becoming a Camp Chief
Approved District Schools or study circles under Camp Chiefs will be eventually carried out on
similar principles but the double beads will only be awarded at Gilwell Park.
檔案編號:0845 300 1818
極偉訓練制度的演變,由貝登堡爵士在1914年到1918年第一次世界大戰期間,於英國童軍總會通報(Headquarters Gazett)上,發表一系列的文章開始
1919年在貝登堡爵士的書名為『童軍團長手冊』(Aids to Scoutmastership) 裡,對於訓練的架構有以下的重點:
The scheme of training used at Gilwell evolved from a series of articles by B-P published in the Headquarters Gazette early in 1914-1918 war.
These were issued in book form in 1919 under the title Aids to Scoutmastership. The framework of training was set down by B-P in the following notes.
Diploma course for the Wood Badge
Open to all warranted officers of the Boy Scouts Associationi.
i. Theoretical:
於『童軍團長手冊』(Aids to Scoutmastership)、『童軍手冊』(Scouting for Boys)、『童軍規則』書中所述,根據童軍總會各年齡的童軍性質,以童軍訓練的目標和方法為題目。
Aims and methods of the Scout Training as defined in Aids to Scoutmastership, Scouting for
Boys and Rules in such subjects as Organization according to ages. Four lines of training: Nature lore for soul, health and sex knowledge; National need and possibilities of the Training.
A course of four studies either by correspondence in the Headquarters Gazette or by weekend
attendances at Gilwell Park as desired by the candidate . This will form a winter course.
ii. Practical:
In four groups of subjects:
1. 童軍團儀式和露營計巧 Troop ceremonies and campcraft
2. 野外活動和斥堠工程 Field work and pioneering
3. 木工和童軍遊戲 Woodcraft and Scout games
4. 追蹤記號和追蹤旅行 Signcraft and pathfinding
The Training will be at Gilwell Park in four weekend courses or eight days in camp as most
convenient to the candidate.
iii. Administration:
The practical administration of his Troop or District as shown by the results of 18 months work.
One bead on button hole - for passing Parts i andii.
One bead on hat string and Diploma for passing all three satisfactorily.
完成擔任訓練營主任Camp Chief 特殊評鑑資格者,頒授兩顆木章佩帶於童軍平邊帽的帽繩,以及訓練營主任證書。
Two beads on hat string and Diploma for passing with special qualifications for becoming a Camp Chief
Approved District Schools or study circles under Camp Chiefs will be eventually carried out on
similar principles but the double beads will only be awarded at Gilwell Park.
The Origins Of The Wood Badge
檔案編號 Item Code FS145001 Feb/08 Edition no 0845 300 1818
英國童軍總會資訊中心 The Scout Information Centre
在英國童軍總會檔案中心的「極偉皮領圈溯源檔案」裡,有完整的「極偉皮領圈歷史」資料。在1920年代的早期,一位英國極偉園營地的工作人員比爾‧夏克立(Bill Shankley)先生製作了第一個極偉皮領圈。他所製作的兩圈俗稱「土耳其人頭結」皮領圈,被採用作為正式的領圈。
1943年極偉園營主任約翰‧儲曼(John Thurman) 先生想要頒授信物,給完成服務員一系列訓練被稱為「基本訓練」的人,以及在邏輯上看起來結合木章的徽章制度。因此由1943年到1989年間,頒授極偉皮領圈給完成木章基本訓練的服務員,頒授極偉領巾和木章給完成木章訓練的服務員。 在今日,完成木章基本訓練的服務員依然可以購買極偉皮領圈,佩帶於自己的所屬童軍團領巾,或者是極偉領巾。
For full details about the history of the woggle see the Archives Information Sheet The origins of the woggle. The woggle was first created in the early 1920s by Bill Shankley, a member of the Gilwell staff. He produced a two-strand Turk's head slide which was adopted as the official woggle. In 1943, John Thurman, the Camp Chief, wanted some form of recognition of the completion of each stage of the Leader Training programme and it seemed logical to present some part of the Wood Badge insignia on the completion of what was then called Basic Training. So from 1943 until 1989 the Gilwell woggle was awarded on the completion of Basic Training and the Gilwell scarf and the Wood Badge beads on the completion of Advanced Training. The Gilwell woggle can still be bought by adults today for use with either the Group or the Gilwell scarf.
Archives Department
The Scout Association
檔案編號 Item Code FS145001 Feb/08 Edition no 0845 300 1818
英國童軍總會資訊中心 The Scout Information Centre
在英國童軍總會檔案中心的「極偉皮領圈溯源檔案」裡,有完整的「極偉皮領圈歷史」資料。在1920年代的早期,一位英國極偉園營地的工作人員比爾‧夏克立(Bill Shankley)先生製作了第一個極偉皮領圈。他所製作的兩圈俗稱「土耳其人頭結」皮領圈,被採用作為正式的領圈。
1943年極偉園營主任約翰‧儲曼(John Thurman) 先生想要頒授信物,給完成服務員一系列訓練被稱為「基本訓練」的人,以及在邏輯上看起來結合木章的徽章制度。因此由1943年到1989年間,頒授極偉皮領圈給完成木章基本訓練的服務員,頒授極偉領巾和木章給完成木章訓練的服務員。 在今日,完成木章基本訓練的服務員依然可以購買極偉皮領圈,佩帶於自己的所屬童軍團領巾,或者是極偉領巾。
For full details about the history of the woggle see the Archives Information Sheet The origins of the woggle. The woggle was first created in the early 1920s by Bill Shankley, a member of the Gilwell staff. He produced a two-strand Turk's head slide which was adopted as the official woggle. In 1943, John Thurman, the Camp Chief, wanted some form of recognition of the completion of each stage of the Leader Training programme and it seemed logical to present some part of the Wood Badge insignia on the completion of what was then called Basic Training. So from 1943 until 1989 the Gilwell woggle was awarded on the completion of Basic Training and the Gilwell scarf and the Wood Badge beads on the completion of Advanced Training. The Gilwell woggle can still be bought by adults today for use with either the Group or the Gilwell scarf.
Archives Department
The Scout Association
The Origins Of The Wood Badge
檔案編號 Item Code FS145001 Feb/08 Edition no 0845 300 1818
英國童軍總會資訊中心 The Scout Information Centre
1919年,威廉‧波伊西‧麥克勞倫(William de Bois Maclaren)先生是一位蘇格蘭商人,同時也是羅森斯‧頓卡斯特市(Rossneath Dunbartonshire) 的童軍地區理事。 1919年以£7,000英鎊購買了位於英國倫敦艾坪森林邊緣佔地 55英畝地產的極偉園(Gilwell Park),以供作童軍服務員訓練中心,以及童軍露營的營地之用。同時另外付款£3,000英鎊,重新修繕了之前的十四年被遺棄而荒廢的「白宮」(the Wite House) 主建築物。1919年7月26日,極偉園正式開幕,麥克勞倫先生親臨剪彩,彩帶的顏色是童軍色彩(綠色和黃色)。並且由營門口到白宮,一路裝飾懸掛了綠色和黃色彩帶,以表示開幕啟用。貝登堡爵士親自頒贈「銀狼獎章」給麥克勞倫先生,以感謝他為童軍運動,所作的偉大奉獻。
William de Bois Maclaren, a Scottish businessman and the District Commissioner for, Rossneath Dunbartonshire, paid £7,000 in 1919 to buy Gilwell Park, a 55-acre estate on the edge of Epping Forest, London, as a training centre for Scouters and as a camp site for Scouts. He also paid another £3,000 to help put the Wite House into good repair, as the place had been abandoned for the previous 14 years and was virtually derelict. When Gilwell Park was officially opened on 26th July 1919 Mrs Maclaren cut ribbons in Scout colours (green and yellow) that were hung across the doorway to the White House to mark the opening. B-P then presented Maclaren with the Silver Wolf as a sign of the great debt that the Movement owed to him.
我們可能不太認識麥克勞倫先生。事實上,他寫了幾本書,包括『攀登與變化~Climbs and Changes』、『來自歡樂街角的竊笑 Chuckles from a Cheery Corner』、『橡膠樹手冊 The Rubber Tree Book』,以及『世界大戰的詞畫 Word Pictures of War』(第一次世界大戰經驗的詩集)。
Not much more is known about Maclaren, apart from the fact that he wrote several books including Climbs and Changes, Chuckles from a Cheery Corner, The Rubber Tree Book and Word Pictures of War (a book of poetry based on experiences of the First World War). He died in 1921. In his honour the Gilwell staff wore a scarf made of Maclaren tartan. However to reduce the expense a scarf of dove grey cloth (the colour of humility) with a warm red lining (to signify warmth of feeling) was substituted with a patch of Maclaren tartan on the point of the scarf and worn by those passing the Gilwell practical course. In 1924 use of the scarf became restricted to Wood Badge holders only. Today the scarf is more the earth tone colour beige than grey but the reason and the date of this development has not been found.
檔案編號 Item Code FS145001 Feb/08 Edition no 0845 300 1818
英國童軍總會資訊中心 The Scout Information Centre
1919年,威廉‧波伊西‧麥克勞倫(William de Bois Maclaren)先生是一位蘇格蘭商人,同時也是羅森斯‧頓卡斯特市(Rossneath Dunbartonshire) 的童軍地區理事。 1919年以£7,000英鎊購買了位於英國倫敦艾坪森林邊緣佔地 55英畝地產的極偉園(Gilwell Park),以供作童軍服務員訓練中心,以及童軍露營的營地之用。同時另外付款£3,000英鎊,重新修繕了之前的十四年被遺棄而荒廢的「白宮」(the Wite House) 主建築物。1919年7月26日,極偉園正式開幕,麥克勞倫先生親臨剪彩,彩帶的顏色是童軍色彩(綠色和黃色)。並且由營門口到白宮,一路裝飾懸掛了綠色和黃色彩帶,以表示開幕啟用。貝登堡爵士親自頒贈「銀狼獎章」給麥克勞倫先生,以感謝他為童軍運動,所作的偉大奉獻。
William de Bois Maclaren, a Scottish businessman and the District Commissioner for, Rossneath Dunbartonshire, paid £7,000 in 1919 to buy Gilwell Park, a 55-acre estate on the edge of Epping Forest, London, as a training centre for Scouters and as a camp site for Scouts. He also paid another £3,000 to help put the Wite House into good repair, as the place had been abandoned for the previous 14 years and was virtually derelict. When Gilwell Park was officially opened on 26th July 1919 Mrs Maclaren cut ribbons in Scout colours (green and yellow) that were hung across the doorway to the White House to mark the opening. B-P then presented Maclaren with the Silver Wolf as a sign of the great debt that the Movement owed to him.
我們可能不太認識麥克勞倫先生。事實上,他寫了幾本書,包括『攀登與變化~Climbs and Changes』、『來自歡樂街角的竊笑 Chuckles from a Cheery Corner』、『橡膠樹手冊 The Rubber Tree Book』,以及『世界大戰的詞畫 Word Pictures of War』(第一次世界大戰經驗的詩集)。
Not much more is known about Maclaren, apart from the fact that he wrote several books including Climbs and Changes, Chuckles from a Cheery Corner, The Rubber Tree Book and Word Pictures of War (a book of poetry based on experiences of the First World War). He died in 1921. In his honour the Gilwell staff wore a scarf made of Maclaren tartan. However to reduce the expense a scarf of dove grey cloth (the colour of humility) with a warm red lining (to signify warmth of feeling) was substituted with a patch of Maclaren tartan on the point of the scarf and worn by those passing the Gilwell practical course. In 1924 use of the scarf became restricted to Wood Badge holders only. Today the scarf is more the earth tone colour beige than grey but the reason and the date of this development has not been found.
木章溯源之三 木章的幸運皮繩 THE LEATHER THONG
The Origins Of The Wood Badge
檔案編號 Item Code FS145001 Feb/08 Edition no 0845 300 1818
英國童軍總會資訊中心 The Scout Information Centre
木章除了木珠之外,其他重要的組件就是「幸運皮繩」。貝登堡爵士在木章訓練時,提供一條木章原始皮繩。發生於1899/1900年梅富根圍城之役(the Siege of Mafeking)危急時,遇到一位非洲長老。他關心和詢問貝登堡為何看起來那麼消沈憔悴,然後拿下脖子上的一條皮繩,放在貝登堡的手掌上,說:「戴上這條皮繩吧!」。「這是我母親給我的,為了招來幸運。現在相信它將帶給你幸運」。貝登堡爵士在非洲服役時,蒐集而來的戰利品之中,由梅富根圍城之役獲得的非洲長老的「幸運皮繩」,以及「迪尼祖魯酋長的木珠」兩件紀念品,設計出舉世聞名的「木章」。
The other important part of the Wood Badge, apart from the beads, is the leather thong itself.
Baden-Powell was originally given one during the course of the Siege of Mafeking in 1899/1900 when things were not going too well. An elderly man met him and asked him about his unusually depressed appearance . Then the man took the leather thong that he had been wearing from around his neck and placed it in B-P's hand. 'Wear this,' he said. 'My mother gave it to me for luck. Now it will bring you luck.' So from these two souvenirs of his military career in Africa, the leather thong from an old man at Mafeking and from Dinizulu's necklace, B-P fashioned what is now known all over the world as the Wood Badge.
檔案編號 Item Code FS145001 Feb/08 Edition no 0845 300 1818
英國童軍總會資訊中心 The Scout Information Centre
木章除了木珠之外,其他重要的組件就是「幸運皮繩」。貝登堡爵士在木章訓練時,提供一條木章原始皮繩。發生於1899/1900年梅富根圍城之役(the Siege of Mafeking)危急時,遇到一位非洲長老。他關心和詢問貝登堡為何看起來那麼消沈憔悴,然後拿下脖子上的一條皮繩,放在貝登堡的手掌上,說:「戴上這條皮繩吧!」。「這是我母親給我的,為了招來幸運。現在相信它將帶給你幸運」。貝登堡爵士在非洲服役時,蒐集而來的戰利品之中,由梅富根圍城之役獲得的非洲長老的「幸運皮繩」,以及「迪尼祖魯酋長的木珠」兩件紀念品,設計出舉世聞名的「木章」。
The other important part of the Wood Badge, apart from the beads, is the leather thong itself.
Baden-Powell was originally given one during the course of the Siege of Mafeking in 1899/1900 when things were not going too well. An elderly man met him and asked him about his unusually depressed appearance . Then the man took the leather thong that he had been wearing from around his neck and placed it in B-P's hand. 'Wear this,' he said. 'My mother gave it to me for luck. Now it will bring you luck.' So from these two souvenirs of his military career in Africa, the leather thong from an old man at Mafeking and from Dinizulu's necklace, B-P fashioned what is now known all over the world as the Wood Badge.
The Origins Of The Wood Badge
檔案編號 Item Code FS145001 Feb/08 Edition no 0845 300 1818
The Scout Information Centre
At the conclusion of the first Zulu war in 1879, the control of Zululand was broken up into 13 provinces州, each with a Zulu chieftainfu. in charge. Dinizulu, son of the former Zulu Chief Cetywayo, was one of these chieftains.
The more belligerent of these chieftains were soon invading the others' territories, burning villages and raiding their cattle herds. Dinizulu requested help from local Boer (Dutch) forces, and received about 800 mounted Boer troops. With this help he quickly rose to power over the neighboring tribes and in return for their assistance, Dinizulu promised to give the Boers land. However, now confronted with losing a major part of his country to the Boers, he then turned to Britain for help.
The British Government succeeded in contesting part of the Boer land request based on previous treaties. To prevent further Boer encroachment on Zululand, Great Britain annexed what remained of the country. Although the Boers had thus been thwarted, annexation by Britain had not been in Dinizulu's plans. Early in 1888 Dinizulu gathered about 4,000 warriors and broke into open defiance of the British authorities.
局勢迅速變得危急。 1888年六月,一支兩千名陸軍戰士,外加招募而來忠誠的祖魯傭兵軍隊,緊急由開普敦出發,以弭平暴動。貝登堡是這支軍隊的隊員。軍隊指揮官命令貝登堡成立一個情報部門,以獲知迪尼祖魯酋長身藏何處的情報。貝登堡組織了祖魯傭兵的斥堠小隊,並且蒐集到迪尼祖魯酋長行蹤完整的情報。
The situation soon became critical and in June 1888 an army of 2,000 British soldiers, plus a levy of loyal Zulus was despatched from Cape Town to settle the uprising. Baden-Powell was a member of this force and when the commanding officer instructed B-P to establish an intelligence department to obtain information about Dinizulu's whereabouts, B-P organised a small group of Zulu spies and gathered complete information about Dinizulu's movements.
Dinizulu and his forces were hidden in the fastnesses of the Ceza, a mountainous spread with a jumbled mass of broken rock, boulders and caves with a number of thickly wooded ravinesrunning up into a jungle near the summit Dinizulu and his forces were hidden in the fastnesses of the Ceza, a mountainous spread with a jumbled mass of broken rock, boulders and caves with a number of thickly wooded ravinesrunning up into a jungle near the summit
B-P moved into the Ceza bush in command of a column of soldiers, mounted troops and part of the levy of friendly Zulus. When B-P and his forces reached the summit, Dinizulu and his warriors were gone, but numerous small forts and huts were found. In one of these huts, which because of its size and design appeared to be that of Dinizulu, B-P found a number of weapons and a long string of wooden beads.
幾天後,迪尼祖魯酋長投降。他被判處十年監獄。以及被移送到距離非洲海岸1,100哩遠的聖赫勒拿小島(island of St Helena)。根據後續資料,迪尼祖魯酋長在服刑期間(放逐超過實際刑期),穿著西方服飾,接受基督教信仰,甚至於在教堂裡唱聖歌。
Several days later Dinizulu gave himself up. He was sentenced to 10 years imprisonment and transported to the island of St Helena, about 1,100 miles off the west coast of Africa. It is reported that during his stay (more exile than real imprisonment) he took to wearing western style clothing, accepted Christianity and even sang in the Church choir.
In 1898 Dinizulu was allowed to return to Africa but was involved in another revolt and after a subsequent trial for murder, treason and other offences, was sentenced in 1908 to. four years imprisonment. He was released after two years and died in the Transvaal in 1913.
有一些爭議的是,貝登堡是如何獲得迪尼祖魯酋長的木珠項鍊。是被貝登堡撿到的?或是別人贈送的?或者是偷來的? 在英國童軍總會的一篇手稿裡,有最終的答案。
There is some debate as to how B-P acquired the necklace - whether he found it, was given it or whether he stole it. A manuscript in The Scout Association's Archives gives what must be the definitive answer.
Copy of notes dictated by B-P in 1925 authenticating the story of Chief Dinizulu's
necklace. Original notes are in The Scout Association's Archives, typed on Baden-Powell's head notepaper and addressed Pax Hill, Bentley, Hampshire.
1879年在英國華爾斯里爵士(Lord Wolseley)管轄分裂的祖魯王國。森地瓦優(Cetywayo)酋長在位時,已經不斷襲擊波爾人(荷蘭人)和英國人的領土,而造成威脅。當時分裂成八個部落,分由一位酋長統治,其中一位迪尼祖魯酋長是森地瓦優酋長的兒子。
'In 1879 the British under Lord Wolseley broke up the Zulu kingdom, under Cetchwayo, which had been a constant menace with its raids on both Boer and British territory, and divided the nation into eight tribes, each under a separate Chief. One of these tribes was under Dinizulu, the son of Cetchwayo.
1888年迪尼祖魯酋長拉高了暴動,其中數個部落反抗英國,而兩個部落選擇站在英國這一邊。亨利‧笙斯將軍.General Sir Henry Smyth)派遣了一支軍隊去對抗迪尼祖魯酋長。我擔任這支軍隊的軍事參謀和情報官。
'In 1888 Dinizulu raised a rebellion among之中 the tribes against the British. Two of the tribes however elected to side with us. General Sir Henry Smyth took out a force against Dinizulu. I acted as Military Secretary and Intelligence Officer.
迪尼祖魯酋長在經歷了一些小規模的交戰之後,逃避到山上一處位於南非特蘭斯瓦爾省(Transvaal)邊境,稱為「塞札‧布希」(Ceza Bush)的據點。我與一些斥堠以及英國軍隊由三個方面進入戰鬥位置,而且偵察到這個據點。在全面發動拂曉攻擊之前,我與我的斥堠進入戰鬥據點時,發現敵人才剛剛匆忙地逃離,人去樓空。而且留下了大部分的食物和生活用品。以及越過邊界,進入南非特蘭斯瓦爾省。當然我們無法越界去追擊他們。
'Dinizulu after a few small engagements took refuge in a mountain strongholdcalled the Ceza Bush, just on the border of the Transvaal. I reconnoitred the place with a few Scouts and our forces were brought into position to take it from three sides. Just before attacking I went into position with my Scouts at early dawn and found that the enemy had just hurriedly evacuated it, leaving most of their food and kit behind, and had crossed the border into the Transvaal, where of course we could not follow them.
'In the hut which had been put up for Dinizulu to live in, I found among other things his necklace of wooden beads. I had in my possession a photograph of him taken a few months
before hand in which he was shown wearing this necklace round his neck and one shoulder.
'He was at that time a splendid type of young savage and full of resources, energy and pluck. He eventually surrendered to us, was kept a prisoner for some time and was then returned to his tribe on condition that he behaved himself. 'But later on he broke out again and involved us in a further campaign which resulted in our finally taking over Zululand and annexing it.'
檔案編號 Item Code FS145001 Feb/08 Edition no 0845 300 1818
The Scout Information Centre
At the conclusion of the first Zulu war in 1879, the control of Zululand was broken up into 13 provinces州, each with a Zulu chieftainfu. in charge. Dinizulu, son of the former Zulu Chief Cetywayo, was one of these chieftains.
The more belligerent of these chieftains were soon invading the others' territories, burning villages and raiding their cattle herds. Dinizulu requested help from local Boer (Dutch) forces, and received about 800 mounted Boer troops. With this help he quickly rose to power over the neighboring tribes and in return for their assistance, Dinizulu promised to give the Boers land. However, now confronted with losing a major part of his country to the Boers, he then turned to Britain for help.
The British Government succeeded in contesting part of the Boer land request based on previous treaties. To prevent further Boer encroachment on Zululand, Great Britain annexed what remained of the country. Although the Boers had thus been thwarted, annexation by Britain had not been in Dinizulu's plans. Early in 1888 Dinizulu gathered about 4,000 warriors and broke into open defiance of the British authorities.
局勢迅速變得危急。 1888年六月,一支兩千名陸軍戰士,外加招募而來忠誠的祖魯傭兵軍隊,緊急由開普敦出發,以弭平暴動。貝登堡是這支軍隊的隊員。軍隊指揮官命令貝登堡成立一個情報部門,以獲知迪尼祖魯酋長身藏何處的情報。貝登堡組織了祖魯傭兵的斥堠小隊,並且蒐集到迪尼祖魯酋長行蹤完整的情報。
The situation soon became critical and in June 1888 an army of 2,000 British soldiers, plus a levy of loyal Zulus was despatched from Cape Town to settle the uprising. Baden-Powell was a member of this force and when the commanding officer instructed B-P to establish an intelligence department to obtain information about Dinizulu's whereabouts, B-P organised a small group of Zulu spies and gathered complete information about Dinizulu's movements.
Dinizulu and his forces were hidden in the fastnesses of the Ceza, a mountainous spread with a jumbled mass of broken rock, boulders and caves with a number of thickly wooded ravinesrunning up into a jungle near the summit Dinizulu and his forces were hidden in the fastnesses of the Ceza, a mountainous spread with a jumbled mass of broken rock, boulders and caves with a number of thickly wooded ravinesrunning up into a jungle near the summit
B-P moved into the Ceza bush in command of a column of soldiers, mounted troops and part of the levy of friendly Zulus. When B-P and his forces reached the summit, Dinizulu and his warriors were gone, but numerous small forts and huts were found. In one of these huts, which because of its size and design appeared to be that of Dinizulu, B-P found a number of weapons and a long string of wooden beads.
幾天後,迪尼祖魯酋長投降。他被判處十年監獄。以及被移送到距離非洲海岸1,100哩遠的聖赫勒拿小島(island of St Helena)。根據後續資料,迪尼祖魯酋長在服刑期間(放逐超過實際刑期),穿著西方服飾,接受基督教信仰,甚至於在教堂裡唱聖歌。
Several days later Dinizulu gave himself up. He was sentenced to 10 years imprisonment and transported to the island of St Helena, about 1,100 miles off the west coast of Africa. It is reported that during his stay (more exile than real imprisonment) he took to wearing western style clothing, accepted Christianity and even sang in the Church choir.
In 1898 Dinizulu was allowed to return to Africa but was involved in another revolt and after a subsequent trial for murder, treason and other offences, was sentenced in 1908 to. four years imprisonment. He was released after two years and died in the Transvaal in 1913.
有一些爭議的是,貝登堡是如何獲得迪尼祖魯酋長的木珠項鍊。是被貝登堡撿到的?或是別人贈送的?或者是偷來的? 在英國童軍總會的一篇手稿裡,有最終的答案。
There is some debate as to how B-P acquired the necklace - whether he found it, was given it or whether he stole it. A manuscript in The Scout Association's Archives gives what must be the definitive answer.
Copy of notes dictated by B-P in 1925 authenticating the story of Chief Dinizulu's
necklace. Original notes are in The Scout Association's Archives, typed on Baden-Powell's head notepaper and addressed Pax Hill, Bentley, Hampshire.
1879年在英國華爾斯里爵士(Lord Wolseley)管轄分裂的祖魯王國。森地瓦優(Cetywayo)酋長在位時,已經不斷襲擊波爾人(荷蘭人)和英國人的領土,而造成威脅。當時分裂成八個部落,分由一位酋長統治,其中一位迪尼祖魯酋長是森地瓦優酋長的兒子。
'In 1879 the British under Lord Wolseley broke up the Zulu kingdom, under Cetchwayo, which had been a constant menace with its raids on both Boer and British territory, and divided the nation into eight tribes, each under a separate Chief. One of these tribes was under Dinizulu, the son of Cetchwayo.
1888年迪尼祖魯酋長拉高了暴動,其中數個部落反抗英國,而兩個部落選擇站在英國這一邊。亨利‧笙斯將軍.General Sir Henry Smyth)派遣了一支軍隊去對抗迪尼祖魯酋長。我擔任這支軍隊的軍事參謀和情報官。
'In 1888 Dinizulu raised a rebellion among之中 the tribes against the British. Two of the tribes however elected to side with us. General Sir Henry Smyth took out a force against Dinizulu. I acted as Military Secretary and Intelligence Officer.
迪尼祖魯酋長在經歷了一些小規模的交戰之後,逃避到山上一處位於南非特蘭斯瓦爾省(Transvaal)邊境,稱為「塞札‧布希」(Ceza Bush)的據點。我與一些斥堠以及英國軍隊由三個方面進入戰鬥位置,而且偵察到這個據點。在全面發動拂曉攻擊之前,我與我的斥堠進入戰鬥據點時,發現敵人才剛剛匆忙地逃離,人去樓空。而且留下了大部分的食物和生活用品。以及越過邊界,進入南非特蘭斯瓦爾省。當然我們無法越界去追擊他們。
'Dinizulu after a few small engagements took refuge in a mountain strongholdcalled the Ceza Bush, just on the border of the Transvaal. I reconnoitred the place with a few Scouts and our forces were brought into position to take it from three sides. Just before attacking I went into position with my Scouts at early dawn and found that the enemy had just hurriedly evacuated it, leaving most of their food and kit behind, and had crossed the border into the Transvaal, where of course we could not follow them.
'In the hut which had been put up for Dinizulu to live in, I found among other things his necklace of wooden beads. I had in my possession a photograph of him taken a few months
before hand in which he was shown wearing this necklace round his neck and one shoulder.
'He was at that time a splendid type of young savage and full of resources, energy and pluck. He eventually surrendered to us, was kept a prisoner for some time and was then returned to his tribe on condition that he behaved himself. 'But later on he broke out again and involved us in a further campaign which resulted in our finally taking over Zululand and annexing it.'
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